Blog Archives

(book review) The String Weavers, Book 1

  First of all, I don’t read a lot of YA, but for some reason, science fiction YA is something like crack to me.  I’ll speed through it.  It might be because one of my favorite re-reads when I was younger was Podkayne of Mars.  Madeline L’Engle was one of my go-to authors (she still is, …

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(review) The Sekhmet Bed, by L.M. Ironside

  Look, a book review!  Today’s book is The Sekhmet Bed (The She-King Book One) by L.M. Ironside.  I downloaded this on a whim for free when it showed up on BookBub one day (and by-the-by, if you are a book person and not signed up with BookBub, why not?  I’ve found some great books …

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(reviews) Book Review: Maven

Wednesdays are going to be book review days on the blog.  I’m finding I’m not reading as much as I should, so I’m hoping this will prod me on.  I’m not getting paid for these, and I’m not getting sent books – these are a combination of old books, new books and, well, my own …

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