Blog Archives

(personal/writing/updates) The Weekly World Review, 2 weeks version

Sorry that this is late, but I’m getting over an eye infection AND an eye ulcer (in the same eye), so last week my computer use was limited. I even had to take 2 days off of work, which sucked. Oh well. The eye is healing nicely, and it doesn’t hurt to look at anything …

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(writing/organization) Getting my thoughts in line

I’m in a mood right now. There is so much swirling in my head that all I want to do is take a vacation from everything and just write. Sadly, I’m not independently wealthy, so that’s not happening. However, Balticon is coming up in two weeks, so I’ll get a bit of a break then! …

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(writing) More Advent, of course

It’s getting to be that time of year again, after all. Yes, there WILL be a Carter’s Cove story this year. But I’m doing other things as well. I’ve just sent out a short story to a magazine for consideration, and I will be doing more short stories in the future. It’s an interesting exercise, …

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(writing) Day 2 of #100daysofwords

Day: 2 #100daysofwords Starting Count: 2511 Ending Count: 3823 New Words: 1312 Opening Line: The ring of the doorbell woke me from a half-confused state, somewhere between research and sleep. For a moment, I thought the book in front of me, open to a confusing swirl of stars and what I think might have been …

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Day 1, again

Day: 1 #100daysofwords Starting Count: 2989 Ending Count: 3380 New Words: 391 Opening Line: Sapph filled him in quickly. “So if we take her words at face value, there’s no reason for this place to be haunted,” she finished. “But I can feel the Ghostwind here, a lot stronger than if there were no ghosts.” …

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(writing/updates/personal) Good intentions rarely survive the first fight

Because I can mix metaphors with the best!  And seriously, it’s how I’m feeling right now.   Why?   Because I had PLANS for October, dear friends.  PLANS in all capitals.  And real life looked at my plans, patted me on the head, and said, “You’re adorable, did you know that?”   I have a …

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(personal/writing) An update – PG Holyfield Memorial

So I didn’t really write today, although I did read a lot.  Tee Morris (of the Ministry of the Peculiar Occurrences) and I are co-editing an anthology in memory of PG Holyfield, called “Tales of a Tesla Ranger: The Adventures of PG Holyfield” and I was editing stories for that.  I have an original Pendragon …

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(personal/writing) Not really dead yet

Just quiet.  I’ve been dealing with life, and now I’m sick.  *sigh*  Did I mention that my immune system sucks?  Seriously.  Someone coughs down the street and I get sick.  So when I don’t take care of myself because of other things, I get run down really quickly. And then I get sick. So life …

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(Personal/writing) Getting to a new normal

Tomorrow starts my new schedule.  For those who don’t follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I’m going to what’s called a 4×10 schedule.  I’ll be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 8 pm, and have Wednesdays off.  Now, I still have an hour commute each way, but that day off in …

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(writing) A new year, and new projects!

New projects and new goodies for my readers!  I unveiled this on Facebook earlier today, but now I’ll share with you guys.  I’ve taken a challenge up to self-publish 12 of my short stories, one each month.  The lovely JA Marlow designed this month’s cover for Convoy, which is a short story set in a world …

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