Blog Archives

(health) Personal updates

Usually, fall is the time I start going into hibernation mode. By this, I mean that I start craving tons of carbs, bundling up in every blanket I can find, parking myself on my couch and refusing to move until spring. Yes, I’m probably more than part bear. Or cat.   Not this year. In …

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(personal/writing) A blissful, lazy Sunday

I don’t get many of these anymore. I slept late, had my shake for breakfast (for those who don’t know, I’m doing the Herbalife program right now, and it’s FABULOUS), and already folded a load of laundry while watching last night’s Ghost Adventures. Now, I’ve got a cup of tea, because it’s getting cool again, and …

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(personal/writing/depression) It’s been a long winter.

I know, it’s still a long way until spring, but seriously, I feel like I’m trapped in George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones world.  Between the depression and the SAD and the god-awful snow (seriously, there’s been like 60 inches of snow in the past month!), I feel like I’m smothered in cotton.  So what …

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(personal) Upheavals and changes

I love summer.  I love getting out in the sun, swimming, picking berries, going to farmer’s markets, reading on the beach, camping, summer events…. summer is my favorite time of year.  It’s what I look forward to all year.   I do NOT want to spend my summer on crutches with this knee of mine. …

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(health/personal) Happy first day of Spring!

To celebrate, I got up early and christened my new swimsuit at the Y.  It felt SO good to be swimming, in a swimsuit that FIT and didn’t feel like  I was going to have a wardrobe malfunction if I breathed wrong.  (I really needed a new swimsuit, let me tell you.)  And it felt …

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(food) Bread! Gluten-Free bread, even!

I love bread.  No, trust me, you don’t understand – I REALLY LOVE BREAD.  And now I’m gluten-free.   Sadness.   Except that I finally found a bread recipe that works and tastes like BREAD.  So here it is.  The original recipe came from and was done by GlutenFreeGirl in 2006 – I’m giving …

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(Personal/writing) Getting to a new normal

Tomorrow starts my new schedule.  For those who don’t follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I’m going to what’s called a 4×10 schedule.  I’ll be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 8 pm, and have Wednesdays off.  Now, I still have an hour commute each way, but that day off in …

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(health/food) Slowly getting back to it

Cons screw me up – even when I go in trying to be healthy, I always seem to end up sick.  Bleah.  This last week has been super busy as well, so it’s no wonder I ended up with con-crud and all sorts of headaches.  That’s why I went to bed early last night, with …

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(health update) Day three of completely no gluten

and it’s official – I have a cold.  Gluten does not cause green snot to come out of my nose.  *sigh*  Just what I needed before Capclave.  I’m alternating tea and juice and hoping to kill it dead.   Bah.  I hate having a depressed immune system.  However!!!  I resisted Panera this morning! (Managers brought …

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(health) When will I learn?

My nephew got married this weeked.  Yay, weddings!  Except for the fact that most weddings are full of gluten, and I am finding that I am really, really weak when it comes to gluten.  This is no one else’s fault but mine.  I had rolls and wedding cake and cookies…and I still feel crappy this …

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