Theoretically, it is now spring. *pauses for a look at the snowbanks outside* Theoretically, it’s going to start getting warm any day now. Too bad no one told Mother Nature that. Apparently, whoever was supposed to get her a calendar for Yule forgot. All I know is that it wasn’t me this year.
I’ve had a week. I’m learning that every week will have an up and a down, at the very least, especially weeks with a Remicade treatment. But the downs are getting less down, and the ups are starting to get higher. Which is a good thing.
I’m tired of winter. I’m tired of white, of sweaters, of cold. I want it to be warm, to hear the summer birds sing, to smell the sun warming the grass and the flowers. I want it to be event season. I want to spend the day in a chair outside, listening to children play and swords clang off armor as I stitch on a new dress or weave trim. I want it to be summer, but I’ll settle for spring.
In writing news, I’m working on the plot summary for Deep Waters, which is the second Pendragon Casefiles. I also passed Into Thin Air on to a beta-reader who had no information about the story or the world – and she loved it. Yay! The plan is to have the first two novellas written and the third in process by Balticon, so I can release the first one right before it. I’m very excited about that.
I’m hoping things start looking up soon. I need some good news, and a change. Definitely a change.
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