Not a lot of writing today, as I was fighting with the website and then doing some audio work I’d promised folks. Then, it was realization that eek, December is in 9 days! NINE Days! EEEK!
So I started the work that I should have started oh, a month ago, for a special treat for you guys. You don’t have to wait long – just 9 days. You can wait that long, right?
Starting Count: 0
Ending Count: 475
Net Gain: +475
Current NaNo count: 25029
Current Word YTD count: 25657
Val’s Tea Fund: $3
No quotes – today’s words were all world- and story-building. But there will be words tomorrow. Now, I’m going to go take a bath, do some reading and go to bed early. Because I’m wiped. It’s been a busy weekend.