Yes, I’m still on track! I knew I wouldn’t hit 50k this month, and I’m okay with that. I’m writing every day, and I’m slowly inching forward on this novel. And let’s be honest: I’m never going to be the type of writer that can do Lowells in a day. I’m just not. But I get stuff done, and that’s what’s important, right?
I could continue tonight, but I have to start getting up on time, and that means bed before midnight. So I do what I need to, and then see what the morning brings.
Starting Count: 91587
Ending Count: 92112
Net Gain: +525
Current NaNo count: 25554
Current Word YTD count: 25707
Val’s Tea Fund: $4
Starting line:
The entire room was silent, waiting for his answer. “I’d rather not die at all,” he said finally. “But if that’s not an option, I’d rather have my death mean something. Something productive. I don’t see Madness doing that.” And as he said it, Alex realized that he’d taken a final step. He wouldn’t go back to Madness, not even if she offered him his life. Because it wasn’t something she could offer. She’d taken it from him, a long time ago.
Ending line:
Her voice was rich, complex – beautiful. The same voice that had captivated him years ago, when Caran Smith had been a young Mage, and Alex had been just starting his own company. He’d tried to woo her to work for him, and then, when he realized that her interests lay in art and music, not genetics, he’d wooed her into his bed. And then, into his life.
It thrilled him, even as it crawled along his skin. That was Madness’ influence, he knew – her stain had sunk deep into his being, and just being away from her for a few months wasn’t enough to wash it away. There wasn’t enough water in the universe to do that.