So, after breakfast with Maria, Xavier, KJ, Margaret and Laura, Argus and I went to see “Captain America” with KJ and Laura. OMG, fun! I loved it. I’m a huge comic book fan, and they really did Cap right, in my opinion. And yes, I cried. Even though I already knew the story. I cry at movies.
Now, I’m going into full prep mode. I’m currently watching the end of the Red Sox game (12-7 going into the 9th…), working on my new dancing shirt for Pennsic and plotting out food for the week. I’m working OT tomorrow and possibly Wednesday, so today is the day to get stuff cooked. There’s already pickles in the fridge!!! I love pickles.
The list that I need to get done today:
– make french toast casserole
– make zucchini bread
– finish shirt
– make sure everyone who needs to be on the Port Strangeways page is
– Post the list of who is going to Harper’s to the page
– make beef stew
– load of colors for Argus
– wash the new fabric
– 2 hours of editing on Spells tonight
– Morning Pages
– 250 words on Advent summary
I think that’s it.
(personal/to-do) Captain America, sewing and cooking – a fun Sunday
Posted on July 24, 2011