(guest post) A great guest post by JA Marlow on resolutions

What a treat I have for you guys today!  JA Marlow, a good friend of mine, has agreed to join us and talk about resolutions.  What better for January?  So read her post, and then go check out her stuff!

2012 Resolutions – Be Brave

With the start of a new year it is common to hear about new year
resolutions. I’ve seen many talk about setting resolutions to battle
fears. “Fear” is the big keyword everywhere. Tackling fear that is
keeping one from accomplishing life-goals, to job-related changes,
right down to fear keeping writers from finishing or submitting or
publishing their work.

Turning attention to deep-seated fears, confronting them, and dealing
with them are good things. However, that’s not what I wanted to talk
about in this post.

I want to talk about something that is needed to help combat fear: bravery.

I’ve been thinking about bravery a lot as I’m working on the next book
in “The String Weavers” series. The main character of Kelsey Hale
needs and displays a lot of bravery. She has to in order to survive as
she’s been ripped away from the only home she’s known, her father is
missing, and she’s discovered she might not even be the species she
thought she was.

When confronting fears, there are several ways to do it. 1. The small
steps that get you out of the path fear before it mows you down. 2.
Jumping to the side and to another path, although this can mean the
fear can follow you in a new way. OR 3. Confronting the fear full
head-on, determined to eradicate it or die trying.

As a writer, I’ve learned many things from the characters I write.
From Kelsey, I’ve learned to turn around and confront whenever
possible, all while keeping the eyes open to the possibilities.

With that in mind, I’m going into 2012 with the goal of tackling the
fears by being brave. To turn around and face the fears and wrestle
them to the ground. In doing so, I’m hoping to turn 2012 into the year
where my personal and business life take a turn for the positive.

This all started by acknowledging the fears existed. This took some
time to pin down, and meant honest self-reflection. When I came to a
realization, I wrote it down. By the end, I had a list of three
primary fears that I know affected my life in 2011.

With the list I made small goals of ways to confront each to make the
process more manageable. Not to step out of the way, not to go down
another path, but to try to confront the fears and learn new ways of
dealing with each.

I don’t expect it to be easy or pleasant most of the time. It will
likely take a lot longer than a year to do. That’s okay. I know by
being brave to face those fears I will be positively impacting 2012
and the life-lessons will help me through the rest of my life. It will
impact everything, from personal life to professional.

That’s a worthwhile new year’s resolution: Be brave in confronting fears.

I hope as each of you march off into 2012 you will look at a few of
your fears and display the bravery needed to begin subduing them. Your
future-you will thank you for it.

J.A. Marlow is a science fiction writer of “The String Weavers” series
and many others, and can be found at http://jamarlow.com. “The String
Weavers” Book 1 can be found at

Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0059I9O7S/

Barnes & Noble –

Smashwords – http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/70892

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  1. Guest Blogging at VG Ford! | J.A. Marlow - Pingback on 2012/01/10/ 13:19
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