(goals/personal/health) Looking back over the year

Yes, I do actually post more than just Molly and Schrodinger on this blog! (Much to the chagrin of their fans)  And this year, I want to actually see what of my goals I did and did not achieve.


Looking back at my January 1, 2012 post, here are the goals.  My updates are in italics.


Now, to 2012.  I have goals.  And this year, this is what I will accomplish.  First, the writing goals:

1. Finish the untitled Dark Horseman Christmas story (which may become a novella, not sure). Yeah, I have no idea what this was going to be, but it didn’t happen.  At all.

2. Finish and sub the first Sapph novella. Nope.  Still working on it.

3. Write the rough draft of my Secret Project Novel. Also no. *sigh*

4. Finish the six-episode arc of Tales of the Scorned Lady. Got 3 episodes written.

5. Write the rough draft of The Strange Disappearance of Santa Claus. Nope.

6. Write 250 words of fiction every day. Sort of?  I call this one a draw.

7. Morning pages (over at 750words.com) every day. No.  I started strong and then sputtered.

So, what DID I get done in 2012 for writing?

1. I submitted a short story to the 2012 FM Anthology

2. I did another Advent Story.

3. I got the edits back on Last Rites.


Then, the health goals:

1. I will exercise 30 minutes every day, whether it be on the Wii or at the gym.  No excuses. I’m getting better at this. 

2. I will modify my lifestyle and the food I eat, without giving up all the foods I love. This I have done, and fairly successfully.

3. I will walk/run to Rivendell by the end of the year. I stopped tracking.

What did I accomplish healthwise?

1. I got back to running!  Yay, thank you, Ross!

2. I went mostly Gluten-Free.


Finally, the life goals:

1. I will declutter my house by December 31st, 2012. I’ve started.  It’s better than it was.

2. I will get my finances under control by June 30th, 2012. This DID happen.  And even the buying of a new car didn’t derail us.

3. I will enjoy life more in 2012. I think, all in all, that I did do this.

The last one is really important to me.  I don’t want to be just another drone – I want to live life, even if I live it on a budget.  Walks in the park cost nothing.  Reading in the sunshine costs nothing.  Sitting by a stream with a fishing pole and breathing in clean air costs nothing (don’t need a license if you don’t have hooks on your line!).


What did you accomplish in 2012?

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