Yesterday was the day I ran my first solo 5k. I did run about half of it – walked the other half, but that is fine. My time was 1.05.56 – better than the last race (I think we were at 1.30 or something), and I was able to run across the finish line. More importantly, I was able to walk afterwards and wasn’t too sore. That happened later in the day, when my hips decided that they were done and locked up. However, this morning, I’m feeling pretty good.
Taking today as a rest day – I have some writing/sewing to do. And I’m going to take it easy on the hips/knees, so I can run tomorrow at the gym. I’m already looking at what I need to work on for my next race in the fall. I plan to run the Todd’s Trot again next year, and the goal will be to run it all in under 1 hr.
Today’s to-do list:
– Bake something. Not sure what yet. But something.
– Write at least 2k on Midsummerland’s outline (the best would be to finish the plot summary)
– Finish the line edit for Client #1 and get that back to them
– Fix 1 pair of pants for a friend
– Make meal plan for the week.
– Cut coupons.
I’m also going to make some time to play WoW today. But right now, I have things to do.