(sca/writing/inspiration) It’s not all just sitting and typing….

I’ve been writing again, which is cool, but I’ve been doing other things as well, and I think that’s WHY I’ve been able to write again. I get so wrapped up in “I am a writer and writers need to write and dear gods, why am I not writing, I should be writing!” Then I …

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(writing/personal) February 14th is just another day to me at this point

Maybe one day, I’ll be able to deal with today, and even be happy on it. Today is not that day, so I’m glad to not have to be at work.   Instead, I am drinking good tea at my favorite bookstore (Gibson’s, for those who don’t know it), and I’m writing. I’m making the …

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(personal/writing/food/health) Yes, I can eat salads – in short, a month on Whole30 with Crohns

On January 4, 2018, I started my second attempt at a Whole30. I had made it 9 days in September before my guts rebelled, but I was determined this time (and better prepared, to be honest), and I completed the 30 day reset on February 2, 2018. I’m in the re-introduction phase now, to see …

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(advent) December 11

Sunday, December 11   “Schrodinger, what are you doing?” DC looked over at the CrossCat, who was sitting on the floor in front of the big front window he and the others had decorated. Beyond the cheerful scene, snow was falling in a steady, deliberate pattern. It had started the night before, and showed no …

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(writing/personal) The cycle of grief isn’t linear

There are a lot of books about how grief works, and they all talk about there are different stages and you progress through them. And maybe some people do actually progress through them. I don’t.   In two weeks, it will be one year since we found Brian in the bathroom. I’ve gone through all …

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(personal/writing/advent) Deep thoughts

Two posts in one week. Wow, I might actually be getting into a groove or something.   I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about writing lately. And streaks. And self-care. Shocking, I know, but bear with me, because it all ties in together. I’m still picking at the Advent story, but I’m paused as …

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(personal/writing) Long days and not giving up

It’s the beginning of the year, and in my day job, I answer questions about 401ks, pensions, health savings accounts, and health and insurance benefits. So needless to say, I’m working long hours, because Annual Enrollment just ended, and tax season just started. Yay, OT! Boo, long hours!   I’ve also started my Whole30 (I’m on …

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(advent) Sunday, December 10

Sunday, December 10 Molly? Are you busy? Schrodinger stuck his head through the door to the kitchen, his ears cocked at an inquisitive angle. “Not at the moment,” Molly replied, turning from the stove. “I was just going to ask you if…” Her voice trailed off as she saw who was with him. “Ask if …

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(personal/writing/advent) 2018 – my first full year alone

I swear this year is going to be better. I won’t let it be the same way it was last year. I won’t.   But things are going to have to change. I’m realizing how hard it is to do things on my own – not just in terms of emotionally (because it IS hard, …

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(advent) December 9

Saturday, December 9 “They ran from SANTA?” Lily said, shaking her head. “I mean, it’s fantastic. Who is scared of Santa Claus?” Someone who’s been really naughty, maybe? Aurora said, as they walked down the street to the center of Merchant’s Circle. This was the part of Carter’s Cove where many of the shops were, …

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