Christmas is coming officially now. It’s one month out from today, and my world is full of melting snow at the moment. The November rain won’t last, though – they’re already talking more white stuff for Tuesday, and my joints tell me that this year will be cold. Normally, I’d be back in bed, covers …
Wednesday words (personal/writing)
It’s Wednesday! This is my off day, and because it’s a weekday, it tends to be my “OMGIneedtorunalltheerrands!” day. Not this week. I’m taking a day to myself, because this weekend is wedding #2 (last weekend was wedding #1), and I’ve got farther to drive for this one. Dad and I are heading down to …
A return to (hopefully) normalacy (personal/spiritual/writing)
It’s been an interesting couple of weeks, and it’s kind of thrown me for a loop, which is why I haven’t been posting. Another death (and goddess, how I hate typing those words) disrupted everything. I re-set myself a bit by doing some coifs to help out a friend and sent them off, and by …
Weekly news round-up, the slightly late edition
So yeah, it’s been a few weeks. First I had an eye infection, complete with an ulcerated cornea, which meant absolutely no screen time. Then I went away to GNEW and was busy taking down my pavilion and driving home, so there was no posting. I meant to do it Monday, but I woke up …
Weekly news roundup – The Remicade week in review
This week was a bit of this and that, but this seems to be a good headline for this post for the nonce. My week got thrown for a bit of a loop because I needed to do some hard things this week, but I did them, and I’m very proud of myself for …
(book review) The Perils of Prague
Recently, I finished The Perils of Prague, by Doc Coleman, and I thought, what better way to kick off my intermittent book reviews (as in, when I finish a book and feel like reviewing it) than by sharing this with you! Disclaimer: Doc is a friend of mine, and I received an e-copy of this book …
Weekly news roundup – the Father’s Day edition
Okay, so it’s a day late, but hey, I spent Father’s Day with the best of dads, mine. We went and saw Solo, which was super fun and I highly recommend (as one of my friends said, Oscar-worthy it wasn’t, but it was a good Star Wars movie). So I didn’t get to post this …
Weekly news roundup
You know, I think one of the things I miss most about Diane Rehm retiring is that now my Fridays do not consist of two hours of the Weekly News Roundup. She used to do an hour of domestic news, and then an hour of international news, and it rounded out my week nicely. NPR, …
Life reboot: 2.0.
Life has been weird lately, and I’m not sure why. Of course, I just got home from Balticon, and I’m sick (again – I swear Maryland is trying to kill me), so that might be part of it. I’m still glad I went -I spent a lot of time going to panels on the business …