Blog Archives

(advent) Day 6 – Sorry it’s late!

Tuesday, December 6 You didn’t forget the castle, did you? Schrodinger came running down the stairs to meet Drew at the door as he came in. They had come straight from the nursing home to the farmhouse the night before, since by the time they’d finished hanging the chains and sharing the goodies that Molly …

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(advent) Day 4 – Jingle bells!

Sunday, December 4 Schrodinger loved it when the St. Michael’s Church Christmas Choir came to CrossWinds Books. Every year, Father Christopher created a special choir, composed of not only the regular members of the choir, but singers who came in from the surrounding Realms to participate. And every year, they sang a special concert at …

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(advent) Day 3 – Cookies! All the cookies!

  Saturday, December 3 “Mom, we’re going to the bookstore today, right? I gotta get there!” Kiaya laughed a little bit at that. Gideon was standing next to their front door, his coat in his hands, with only one sock on and missing his pants. “Don’t you think you’re missing a few things, bud?” she …

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(advent) Day 2 – What will we do?

Friday, December 2   When Molly wandered out into the tea room that morning, she was not surprised to see Goldie sitting at one of the tables, a large book in front of him, a small pair of reading glasses perched on his nose. The pirate was one of Pavel’s most trusted lieutenants, and Molly …

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(advent) Day 0, a new year!

-Just so you all know, I’ve taken some timing liberties with this. Kaylee is now 5 years old – I’m going to be fixing it in the actual books so she doesn’t go from baby to 5 in six months. Just go with it for now. Wednesday, November 30 “Thank you for letting me come …

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(writing) Working on a real schedule

I’ve been kind of wallowing lately in my own depression. I’m very open with the fact that I have depression, and August was a terrible month. I lost two very dear friends in August two years ago (Jesse L Cairns and PG Holyfield), my grandmother died last August, and my mother’s cancer was diagnosed last …

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(writing/personal) Pokemon Go!

  Yes, I’ve gotta catch them all too. It’s fun, and I need some fun in my life. Besides, it’s something hubby and I can do together. And it’s good for us. I’m Team Yellow (aka Instinct) and if you want to find me, I’m CassieHobbes.   I’m also recommitting to writing (again). I’ve discovered …

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(writing) Ponderings

  I took the first three chapters (okay, two chapters and an interlude, if you want to get picky) of Darkness Falls to my writing group yesterday, and they liked it, for the most part, but they had some interesting ideas, and I’m going to be incorporating them going forward. So not as many split chapters …

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(writing) Updates and a blog tour

(above image from The Daily Tea) It’s about two and a half weeks before I leave for Balticon and ConCarolinas, and I’m starting to get a little (okay, a lot) panicky. I’m busy writing blog posts for the upcoming blog tour for Winter’s Secret, which starts on May 16th! Since that’s about a week away, I realized …

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(writing/personal) Blog tour! Blog tour! Eek!

  How do you find time to write? What do you listen to while you write? Where do your ideas come from? Do you have any rituals? What’s your favorite book/author?   These are all the things that are swirling through my mind right now, because I’m starting to work on the blog posts for …

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