Blog Archives

(writing) Taking the leap

Well, I’ve been talking about it for a while, and I’ve finally taken the plunge.   I’ve signed up for Patreon. You can sign up for my stream here.   Now, to allay any fears – I will still be posting here too. And the Advent Story will still be here in December every year. …

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(writing/personal) Surfacing, with news and new projects

  I won’t lie – it’s been a rough few weeks. But I did finish Winter’s Secrets, and it’s in the hands of beta readers now. We’re on schedule to release at Balticon and ConCarolinas with ACTUAL BOOKS! And tea. Because, well, you can’t do a book release about Carter’s Cove that doesn’t involve tea. And scones. So …

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(personal/writing) Working through the grief

  The picture above is 4 generations of my family, taken four years ago (I believe). Since then, my grandmother (on the left) passed away two months before her 99th birthday, and just this past Tuesday, my mother passed away, barely 2 months past her 65th birthday.   I won’t lie – it’s been a …

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(writing) Thinking about cons and giveaways

Conventions, not con games, that is. I’m getting things ready for rolling out Winter Secrets at Balticon and ConCarolinas this year, and so I’m thinking about these kind of things, which to be honest, are both fun and annoying to me as a writer.   Fun, because ooh, what can I give away to get …

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(writing/personal) All the things

Life has been complicated lately. Some things have ended, others have started, and I’m not quite sure how I’m handling all of it. I’m not going to discuss that, or what’s really going on yet. I’m going to talk about writing.   I know, shocking. But I’ve not really been writing lately, and I’ve realized …

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(personal/writing) Writing in the wind

I’m currently sitting in a comfy chair in an infusion room at UMass Memorial Hospital in Worcester, with an IV in my arm, waiting for my next Remicade infusion. It’s raining outside, and as I’m on the 6th floor, I have a lovely view of the parking lot, and the rain. (Hey, at least it’s …

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(writing) Slow progress

 I don’t write fast any more. I think it’s because I’m more of the planner, and I don’t like rewrites, so I want things to be perfect (or as perfect as they can be in a first draft). But I’ve discovered that if I head to a coffee shop, or my studio, I seem to …

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(personal/writing/advent) New Year brings new opportunities

  It’s the beginning of a new year, and one I’m hoping is better than last year. No, one I will MAKE better than next year.   I’m recommitting to several things – my goal to get healthy; my writing; and myself. Yes, I’m going to be enforcing my time to get better. I can’t …

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(advent) December 25

Friday, December 25 “Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Oh look, Santa came! Come on, everyone!” Lily’s joyful voice echoed throughout the house, buoyed by Jack’s excited baying and the sounds of running feet. Schrodinger, who had been curled up at Molly’s feet, raised his head, sleep still in his eyes. They had come in fairly late …

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(advent) December 24

Thursday, December 24 “We haven’t forgotten anything, have we?” Brynna asked Paul, who chuckled and rolled his eyes. “No, my love, we have not forgotten anything, and it’s not like we can’t come back,” he told her. “We’re not leaving forever. If nothing else, I sail in two weeks, so we have to be back …

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