Blog Archives

(personal/writing/depression) It’s been a long winter.

I know, it’s still a long way until spring, but seriously, I feel like I’m trapped in George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones world.  Between the depression and the SAD and the god-awful snow (seriously, there’s been like 60 inches of snow in the past month!), I feel like I’m smothered in cotton.  So what …

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(personal) Upheavals and changes

I love summer.  I love getting out in the sun, swimming, picking berries, going to farmer’s markets, reading on the beach, camping, summer events…. summer is my favorite time of year.  It’s what I look forward to all year.   I do NOT want to spend my summer on crutches with this knee of mine. …

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(health/personal) Happy first day of Spring!

To celebrate, I got up early and christened my new swimsuit at the Y.  It felt SO good to be swimming, in a swimsuit that FIT and didn’t feel like  I was going to have a wardrobe malfunction if I breathed wrong.  (I really needed a new swimsuit, let me tell you.)  And it felt …

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(food) Bread! Gluten-Free bread, even!

I love bread.  No, trust me, you don’t understand – I REALLY LOVE BREAD.  And now I’m gluten-free.   Sadness.   Except that I finally found a bread recipe that works and tastes like BREAD.  So here it is.  The original recipe came from and was done by GlutenFreeGirl in 2006 – I’m giving …

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(Personal/writing) Getting to a new normal

Tomorrow starts my new schedule.  For those who don’t follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I’m going to what’s called a 4×10 schedule.  I’ll be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 8 pm, and have Wednesdays off.  Now, I still have an hour commute each way, but that day off in …

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(personal/writing/resolutions) It’s a new year

And with the new year, I love to do resolutions.  Usually I do wildly optimistic resolutions that fall (mostly) flat after a month.  So this year, I’m going to do what I consider to be realistic resolutions. 1. I resolve to take care of myself. This sounds like it should be a no-brainer, but it’s …

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(health/food) Slowly getting back to it

Cons screw me up – even when I go in trying to be healthy, I always seem to end up sick.  Bleah.  This last week has been super busy as well, so it’s no wonder I ended up with con-crud and all sorts of headaches.  That’s why I went to bed early last night, with …

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(health update) Day three of completely no gluten

and it’s official – I have a cold.  Gluten does not cause green snot to come out of my nose.  *sigh*  Just what I needed before Capclave.  I’m alternating tea and juice and hoping to kill it dead.   Bah.  I hate having a depressed immune system.  However!!!  I resisted Panera this morning! (Managers brought …

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(health) When will I learn?

My nephew got married this weeked.  Yay, weddings!  Except for the fact that most weddings are full of gluten, and I am finding that I am really, really weak when it comes to gluten.  This is no one else’s fault but mine.  I had rolls and wedding cake and cookies…and I still feel crappy this …

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(food/personal) the smells of autumn and memory

My kitchen smelled like memories this past weekend.  Apple kugel, cinnamon-raisin french toast drowning in maple syrup, roasted butternut squash, honey bbq chicken tenders.  It’s amazing, how much smells can bring back memories of my parents’ and my grandparents’ kitchens, and it’s times like this that I wish I had kids to pass these smells …

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