No real sugar cravings yet, although I’m sure they will come. I was offered strawberry shortcake at work, and declined. I also stayed up way too late, and am up way too early, so this will be a short entry. Breakfast was a gluten-free english muffin with two sausages and two eggs. And tea. Lunch …
Blog Archives
(personal/health) Day 1 of the 21-day Sugar Detox
So, today’s blog post (and the posts for the next 3 weeks) are going to be heavy on food and health things. Be warned. I’ve decided that I’m going to do a 21-day challenge to myself of eating mostly Paleo (I say mostly, because I’m not giving up rice or potatoes yet. I need …
(personal/writing/cooking) We made it back to work!
Started back at work yesterday (part-time, for the next two weeks) and am not falling over exhausted today. Counting that as a win! I go in today and tomorrow for 4 hours each, then am off until Tuesday, when we start again. I think the fact that I’m eating cleaner (we’ve adopted a Paleo …
(health/food) First farmer’s market of the season!
It rained today, but Argus and I braved the rain with Mom and Dad to hit the Exeter Farmer’s Market to get the first fruits (well, okay, veggies) of the season. I love farmer’s markets – it seems more expensive, but the food is so fresh, so local, and so good. We came home …