Blog Archives

(goals/personal/health) Looking back over the year

Yes, I do actually post more than just Molly and Schrodinger on this blog! (Much to the chagrin of their fans)  And this year, I want to actually see what of my goals I did and did not achieve.   Looking back at my January 1, 2012 post, here are the goals.  My updates are …

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NaNoWriMo update

I am still doing NaNo, and I’m going to be doing daily updates from now on.  Today, my total stands at 8363 words – I’m about 14k behind, but I’m trying to catch up.  I refuse to give up! I also received my edits for Last Rites this past weekend, so I have to start working …

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Sunday is made for Chex Mix!!!

And writing.  And laundry.  And cooking.  It’s one of those days. I need to write today – I’ve got two blog posts I need to write, as well as the outline for NaNoWriMo.  I also need to answer email, and make food for what is going to be a busy week.  And there’s almost no …

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Dealing with the sick

I hate colds.  I hate colds with a fiery, cottony passion that matches the gunk in my head.  Bleah. Other than that, life is progressing.  I passed “Convoy” in and am starting work today on the new Advent story outline.  That’s my NaNo project, so I want to get it done (the outline, that is).  …

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Sunday morning, and life is good.

It IS good! I’m thinking I should start inserting some graphics or something into these posts, so they aren’t all text, but sadly, I’m a writer, not a graphic designer.  We’ll see. I got 1k written last night!  I never get 1k written in a night!  I’m so excited!  Today’s goal is a NaNo day: …

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And we’re back!

Thanks to my wonderful webhost Verve, we’re back in business! This weekend is a quiet one.  The only place I need to go is to my Mom’s tomorrow, and that’s a quick run.  Today, I am not getting out of my pjs. I do have a to-do list (including a story due Monday!), but it’s …

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Getting back into life – the last weekend of summer

It is, actually.  Fall swoops in next week, so this is the official last weekend of summer.  And I slept half of it away – odd fever dreams dominated my day yesterday.  So today I have a ton to do! I’ve been thinking a lot lately, even though I’ve been quiet here.  Life has gone …

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Today has been a good day.

Seriously, it has.  After last weekend’s hectic rush, this weekend sauntered by slowly, and I really appreciated it, despite the fact that the van decided to die on Thursday. Kate came up Friday night and Saturday morning we were off – first to Carter Hill to get cider donuts, apple cider and caramels.  We also …

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(personal/writing/to-do) Day 3 of Vacation and I feel…tired

Vacation can be exhausting!  Especially if you go somewhere.  Granted, we only went to Worcester for a few days, but sleeping in a strange bed, eating terribly (pizza and soda and chips and CRAP), and hanging out until all hours of the night is fun and tiring.  I feel like my brain is full of …

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(personal/to-do/writing) Another Sunday comes…

It seems like Sundays are the only days I blog.  Which isn’t good, but hey, it’s better than complete radio silence, right?  I’m trying. Vacation comes up next week – I’m planning on one day of just writing, nothing else.  But I have to get through this week first. I’m reading a couple of interesting …

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