Blog Archives

(writing) Updates

Wow, I really do suck at this blogging thing, don’t I?  I’m working on getting better, I promise.  Things have been stupid busy over the last two weeks, and some things have had to give.  I’m hoping to get a bunch of stuff up in the next week, though.   Here’s what’s been going on. …

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(Personal/writing) Getting to a new normal

Tomorrow starts my new schedule.  For those who don’t follow me on Facebook or Twitter, I’m going to what’s called a 4×10 schedule.  I’ll be working Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 8 pm, and have Wednesdays off.  Now, I still have an hour commute each way, but that day off in …

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(Personal) No, really, I’m not dead.

It’s been – well, January was a month that kind of sucked, to be perfectly honest.  However, the good news is that there’s no meniscus tear in my knee, I got my standing desk at work, and starting Monday, I have every Wednesday off.  Yay!  February is definitely looking up.   I’ll post more later …

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(personal/health) Pain

I’ve been quiet lately, and I’m sorry.  I should have sent out at least one project to a friend (sorry, Sue!), and I really should have been writing.  And editing.  And formatting.   I haven’t done anything this week except hunker down and try to ride the pain.   Pain is something that I should …

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(personal/writing/resolutions) It’s a new year

And with the new year, I love to do resolutions.  Usually I do wildly optimistic resolutions that fall (mostly) flat after a month.  So this year, I’m going to do what I consider to be realistic resolutions. 1. I resolve to take care of myself. This sounds like it should be a no-brainer, but it’s …

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(health update) Day three of completely no gluten

and it’s official – I have a cold.  Gluten does not cause green snot to come out of my nose.  *sigh*  Just what I needed before Capclave.  I’m alternating tea and juice and hoping to kill it dead.   Bah.  I hate having a depressed immune system.  However!!!  I resisted Panera this morning! (Managers brought …

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(health/personal) Not letting the stress get the better of me

Part of the reason I write this page every week is to remind myself of what I’m trying to do.  Yeah, I know, Yoda said to either do, or do not – there is no try, but honestly, I’m human, not a Jedi Master, and I have to try.  Because more often than not lately, …

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(health/eating) Revelations

Not the book from the Bible, but my own personal revelations as I continue to work on my eating and exercise habits.  I’m discovering that left to my own devices, I’ll eat pretty healthy, but there are some major roadblocks I still fall into: 1. Preplanning I suck at this.  Actually, the part I suck …

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(health/personal) Yep, it’s Monday again.

I don’t know what it is this year, but lord, have my allergies been doing a number on me!  I’m hoping that the healthy turn I’m taking with my life will keep them in line, but I don’t know.  I even resorted to Benadryl last night, just so my nose would unclog enough to sleep. …

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(health/personal) New week, new things to do

I lost a lot of last week, due to work stuff, and so my healthy lifestyle took a bit of a hit.  However, this is a marathon, not a sprint, so I’m back up on the horse.  We will NOT discuss this weekend, when I had Domino’s pizza (and not the gluten-free type either) two …

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