Blog Archives

(personal/update/writing) I really don’t do this blogging thing well, do I?

I’m trying, I really am.  I need to get myself on a schedule again, where I settle in to write before work, so it’s done.  I also need to start working on more blog posts.  I just feel like I don’t know quite what to say, so blogging feels – I dunno.  Self-aggrandizing.  Ah well, …

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(personal) Only 1 blister! Score!

Yesterday was the day I ran my first solo 5k.  I did run about half of it – walked the other half, but that is fine.  My time was  1.05.56 – better than the last race (I think we were at 1.30 or something), and I was able to run across the finish line.  More …

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(personal) Musings on birthdays and life

It’s my birthday today.  Today is the last time I will celebrate a birthday in my 30s – next year is the big 4-0.  I was talking to my new doctor on Thursday and you know, I don’t FEEL like I’m staring 40 in the face.  I don’t even feel 30.  I look at myself, …

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(personal/writing/health) Not dead!

In fact, I’m doing really well.  Just amazingly busy.  (What else is new?)   I’m up to day 34 of writing every day.  I leveled up last week, which means in order to get my points, I have to write 300 words a day, not 250.  I’m not up to NaNo level yet, but the …

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(personal/writing) 12 days and counting…

That’s the current chain on my writing.  I have now written at least 250 words for the last 12 days in a row.  I love it.  I’m finally getting things done.  I’ve already finished the rough draft of a short story for Every Photo Tells and gotten the synopsis for the first of the Pendragon Casefiles …

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(personal/writing) Goal met! And on to the next!

Today, I stepped on the scale and blinked.  Several times.  Guys, I’ve been trying REALLY hard to moderate my eating and to exercise, and I’ve finally broken through my first goal.   I’ve dropped 10 lbs.   It might not seem like much, given I’d like to lose approximately 100 more pounds, but it’s a …

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(to-do) Blessed Imbolc!

To all my friends, pagan or no, I offer you blessings on Imbolc.  This is the celebration of the Crone becoming the Maiden again – Spring is coming, and it’s time to clean things out.  Mentally and physically.   In honor of that, I’m cleaning today.  All this weekend, actually.  So we need a to-do …

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(personal/writing/health/reading) So many things running through my head…

And yet, I fee very calm.  Not crazy, just in a zen kind of mood.  I DO have a lot to do.  And I’m confident I can do it.   I’ve been gluten-free now for almost two months, and I can feel differences that I didn’t realize I would.  Things are clearer –  like a …

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(personal/to-do) Recovery day

So yeah, lost most of the weekend recovering from the flu that’s going around work.  Call centers are petri dishes, you know?  I was feeling crappy on Thursday – by Friday, I knew I was sick. Spent all Saturday asleep, and am finally starting to feel better.  However, I know better than to push it. …

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(personal/writing) Decisions, Decisions

  Yes, it’s a new year, and I’ve yet to post my goals for 2013.  What can I say?  I’m sure I’ll be late to my own funeral.  But I’m definitely ready to start over.  I’m trying something new this year – doing month to month goals as opposed to definite yearly goals.  The only …

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