Blog Archives

Trials and Tribulations, or why can’t Val update a blog on a regular basis?

Of course, this could be titled “Why can’t Val do anything on a regular basis?” I seem to have issues with regularity, and I wonder why.   It could be that somewhere in my dim, distant past, something linked “a regular routine” with “boring” and I HATE boring with a fiery passion. And yes, I …

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(writing) Ephiphanies

So, I had a headache earlier today.  Well, I THOUGHT I had a headache.   What I actually had was a novel trying to burst through my forehead, sort of like Athena coming through Zeus’ brain.  Because once I started jotting notes down for this novel, the headache went away.  And then, when I got …

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(writing/personal) Monday, my old enemy, we meet again.

I’m trying really hard to keep updating this blog.  I feel bad that it seems to be only on Mondays – I promise, I will get onto more of a schedule soon.  Life has just been…well, life, lately.   Hubby is still job hunting, and any good thoughts (or job prospects!) that you folks can …

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(writing) The First Pendragon Casefiles is done!

Well, the rough draft is, anyways.  I’m going to let it sit for a week while I sketch out the next book (different series – going for a paranormal romance next – first book of a 3-book series), and then I’m going to settle into revisions.  But it’s done!   And did I mention that …

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(writing) Leveled up! Day 25 is in the books

Yesterday, I hit Level 3 in the Magic Spreadsheet.  This means that my new word count goal for the day is 350 words, and that I am chugging along.  The first Pendragon novella is at a little over 14k, and is coming along nicely. I’m thinking it will probably top out at 25k, which is …

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(writing/to-do/health) Thoughts on the eve of a long weekend

So, I’ve been back to work on the Day Job for three half-days.  Today, I’m exhausted (although I don’t know if it’s because of the two hours at the dentist today to repair a broken tooth or just low stamina), but I have the next FIVE days off, so I’ll be able to sleep in, …

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(writing) We’ve crossed the 40k mark

That’s right.  In 2013 so far, I have written over 40,000 words.   That’s amazing.  That’s almost a NaNo novel.  It might be more than I wrote in total last year.  And it’s only halfway through May.  I’m seriously impressed.   And the big thing is that I’m doing it steadily, a little at a …

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(personal/writing) Getting back into the swing of things

I’ve been writing again.  In fact, my new streak is at 8 days and counting.  It feels good to write again, like I’ve found the right thing that I need to be doing.   I used to wish I was one of those authors who could have two or more projects going at once, because …

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(personal/update/writing) I really don’t do this blogging thing well, do I?

I’m trying, I really am.  I need to get myself on a schedule again, where I settle in to write before work, so it’s done.  I also need to start working on more blog posts.  I just feel like I don’t know quite what to say, so blogging feels – I dunno.  Self-aggrandizing.  Ah well, …

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(personal/writing/health) Not dead!

In fact, I’m doing really well.  Just amazingly busy.  (What else is new?)   I’m up to day 34 of writing every day.  I leveled up last week, which means in order to get my points, I have to write 300 words a day, not 250.  I’m not up to NaNo level yet, but the …

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