Blog Archives

(metrics) Trying to catch up on NaNoWriMo

The official NaNo counter says I’m at 15911 words, which is a bit over 9k of where I need to be. However, I’ve written over 4k today, so I’m happy, and if I can do that over the next few days, I should be able to catch up. Short post because my arm hurts. I …

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(metrics) Broke 10k!

Sorry, it’s been hard to update. I’m currently at 11,107 words for NaNo, so I’ve made it over 1/5 of the way. Yay! I’ll do more words later today, and now that I know how to get a word count on the Neo (yes, it’s written on the back, and no, of course I didn’t …

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(metrics/nano/writing) Day 3 of NaNoWriMo and I’m still pacing myself!

Current NaNo wordcount: 5045 To be on Target: 5001 It’s not much of a cushion, but the fact that I’ve written 5k in the last three days is amazing to me, so I’ll enjoy it. I need to catch up a bit more with my outline, so I might not get a bunch done tomorrow, …

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(metrics) First counts of NaNoWriMo

1808 words today, all done after midnight. Good start to NaNo!

(metrics) Take 2, start of novella

Starting Count: 0 Ending Count: 637 New Words: 637 Opening Line: How did I get myself into these situations? Ending Line: We ended up in the middle of the road, sideways, like a cop car doing a roadblock. Darling: Andrew, with his lopsided smile and short dark curls, longer than his father the head of …

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(metrics) Ghostly words on a brilliant day

Starting Count: 320 Ending Count: 862 Net Gain: + 542 Current Word MTD count: 542 Starting line: “You ask me this after you give me a blanket?” I grumbled, but I knew he was right. If our eyes weren’t playing tricks on us, then something was out there, and I needed to find out what. …

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(metrics) Into the city, at least

1240 words today, and Heroine has made it into the city. Now, I just have to get her past the demons, into the Hero’s arms, and get her clothes off. Piece of cake, but not tonight.

(metrics) Love in the age of apocalypse…

Nah, too cheesy a title. 😀 800 words tonight on Rebirth, which is my story for EalC. It’s coming along well, especially now that we have some EROTICA in the first part. Yeah, I know, I know. More tomorrow. Now, I need sleep.

(metrics) Yes, I know what time it is.

Writers don’t sleep, didn’t you know that? 361 words on the new beast tonight. Erotica, and what’s the first line? “Beneath her, the city still burned.” Yep, it’s a Val story. To be fair, the setting is post-apocalyptic cityscape, so I can be forgiven burning cities. Right?

(metrics) Still plugging away

299 more words on the Advent summary, and the final edits FINALLY started on Spells. It’s about damn time. Oh, and morning pages done too. Now, bed.