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(metrics) Day 24 – more NaNo and more words

Today was another hard day writing. I think I’m beginning to burn out: on this book, on NaNo, and on life in general. But I’m still writing, even if it’s just 300 words at a time. I can do this. I’ll work through it. Really. Really. Starting Count: 92114 Ending Count: 92510 Net Gain: +396 …

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(metrics) Day 23 – just a day later.

Yep, wrote longhand last night – couldn’t face my keyboard. I think I’m starting to hit that end of book-itis that Nobilis Reed was talking about on Twitter this morning. It could also be that I’m tired and stressed – ah well, it’s a first world problem. 😛 I did write before I dropped off …

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(metrics) Day 22, back to morning pages and NaNo

Yes, I’m still on track! I knew I wouldn’t hit 50k this month, and I’m okay with that. I’m writing every day, and I’m slowly inching forward on this novel. And let’s be honest: I’m never going to be the type of writer that can do Lowells in a day. I’m just not. But I …

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Word Count Metrics

Starting Count: 25401 Ending Count: 27182 Net Gain: +1781 Starting line: “Odd place for Death to hang out,” Amy said, turning back to her companion. Nikki was leaning back, a look of peace on her pale face, and Amy envied her for a moment. Ending line: “I can’t let Shanna let anyone escape,” Justin said, …

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