Because I can mix metaphors with the best! And seriously, it’s how I’m feeling right now. Why? Because I had PLANS for October, dear friends. PLANS in all capitals. And real life looked at my plans, patted me on the head, and said, “You’re adorable, did you know that?” I have a …
Blog Archives
(personal/con/writing) A magical weekend
I just got back from Brigadoon – I mean, Balticon. (Please don’t tell me that you don’t get the reference, because then I’ll feel REALLY old. Just go with it.) The best place in the world to spend Memorial Day weekend is Hunt Valley, Maryland, at the best con in the world. No matter how …
(personal/writing) Blowing off the winter dust
You know, it’s been a LONG winter. Maybe not GRRM long, but longer than I wanted. Much longer than I wanted. But it’s finally warm out. The snow is gone and there is music in the morning when I go out. I’m still adjusting to my work schedule, but it’s getting easier. I’m not …
(writing) Thoughts on writing a series
Saturday I finished the plot summary for the second novella in the Pendragon Casefiles season 1, which is tentatively titled Deep Waters. My goal for April is to get the plot summaries done for the remaining 5 novellas in the first season for the casefiles, so that I can write them and release them every other …
(writing/personal) A new week, a new season, a new start
Theoretically, it is now spring. *pauses for a look at the snowbanks outside* Theoretically, it’s going to start getting warm any day now. Too bad no one told Mother Nature that. Apparently, whoever was supposed to get her a calendar for Yule forgot. All I know is that it wasn’t me this year. I’ve …
(writing/cons/personal) Decisions to be made
It’s been a long week. I seem to be saying that a lot lately. I think it’s because it’s the end of winter – I’m so tired of the cold, and the snow, and the cold, and did I mention the cold? I hate being cold. I’d so much rather be hot than cold. And …
(writing/personal) Monday, my old enemy, we meet again.
I’m trying really hard to keep updating this blog. I feel bad that it seems to be only on Mondays – I promise, I will get onto more of a schedule soon. Life has just been…well, life, lately. Hubby is still job hunting, and any good thoughts (or job prospects!) that you folks can …
(writing) Updates
Wow, I really do suck at this blogging thing, don’t I? I’m working on getting better, I promise. Things have been stupid busy over the last two weeks, and some things have had to give. I’m hoping to get a bunch of stuff up in the next week, though. Here’s what’s been going on. …