I’ve just successfully completed Day 11 of the challenge over at www.750words.com – basically, it’s a month-long challenge of writing 750 words or more. I use the site for my morning pages – not really to write, but to brain dump for that day, before I actually begin my writing. It’s a practice that I’ve …
Blog Archives
(writing) Musings on writing
I’ve been doing morning pages for five days now over on www.750words.com and I’m starting to see the results already. Morning pages are something that Julia Cameron talks about in The Artist’s Way, which I highly recommend – basically, it’s a brain dump of writing, just writing anything for 15 minutes, or 3 pages, or (in …
(goals/recap) In with the new, out with the old
2012 is here. 2011 has left. While it wasn’t as bad a year for me as it was for some of my friends, I’m not sorry to see it go. It’s a new year, and that means a chance to look at what I’ve done in the past year, and what will be happening in …
(writing) A Christmas Gift for you – Chapter 1 of The Strange Disappearance of Santa Claus
Merry Christmas! The Christmas story I’d planned to post (the Starchild one) is growing into a novella (I know, shocking), so instead, I thought I’d give you a sneak peek at the first chapter of the Schrodinger novel. Yes, I’m still calling it The Strange Disappearance of Santa Claus – the concept is changing a …
(writing/health) Exercise your body, not just your pen
Following up on Tuesday’s post about sick days – the other side of that coin is that writers tend to be hard on their bodies. Sadly, the image of Hemingway or Capote drunk and spinning brilliance out of the bottle is a romantic myth that our profession can’t seem to shake. And it’s an old …
(writing) Writers don’t get sick days.
Yesterday, I was sick. Really sick. Like, running a fever and wanting only to sleep most of the day sick. And I did sleep until about 2:30 pm. Then I dragged myself out of bed, and downstairs. My cousin in law (or ex-cousin-in-law, I guess) posted that she didn’t know how I could be writing …
(writing) Have to share the new Snow cover!!!
Yes, it’s not my normal blogging day, but dammit, this is just too pretty not to share NOW! The lovely Starla Huchton (aka riznphnx) has done a new cover for my Dark Horseman novella Snow, which I’m going to be re-releasing under my own name in the next week or so. Isn’t it gorgeous? She’s …
(writing/nanowrimo) Lessons I’ve learned from this year’s NaNo
Okay, last NaNo post, I promise. 🙂 But I learned a few things about my writing style this time around (I learn things every time, honestly) and I thought I’d share them with you guys. So here are the lessons I’m taking away from this year. 1. Planning: I am not a pantser. This NaNo …
Turning over a new leaf (aka, changes coming to this blog)
I’m always in awe of authors like John Scalzi or Jay Lake who blog every day. I totally want to be like them, except I’m realizing two things (besides the fact that they’re way more popular and successful than I am – I know that already): 1. I don’t know that I have something to …
(nanowrimo) Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Look what I have!!! I did it! I did it! 50,000 words in one month!!!! Now that the insanity of NaNoWriMo is over, I can actually like, do things other than writing again. What a weird feeling. I will NOT be doing an Advent story this year – sorry. This story was supposed to be …