Blog Archives

(metrics) Into the city, at least

1240 words today, and Heroine has made it into the city. Now, I just have to get her past the demons, into the Hero’s arms, and get her clothes off. Piece of cake, but not tonight.

(metrics) Love in the age of apocalypse…

Nah, too cheesy a title. 😀 800 words tonight on Rebirth, which is my story for EalC. It’s coming along well, especially now that we have some EROTICA in the first part. Yeah, I know, I know. More tomorrow. Now, I need sleep.

(writing/personal) Realizing certain truths that we know to be self-evident…

I have had an ephiphany. I have these once in a while, and while I’ve heard they are supposed to be wonderfully uplifting and illuminating, mine tend to be more of the clue-by-four to the forehead kind. And this really was. It was the result of several conversations from the past few weeks, and the …

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(personal/to-do) Getting ready for Harper’s

Oh, I have so much to do! And it’s already 6:30 pm on Thursday! And I have to work tomorrow! *flail* Okay, now that I have that out of my system, here’s the list of stuff to do tonight/tomorrow morning: – Cook chicken for Saturday – Cook steak for Saturday – Cut veggies for Saturday …

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(to-do) Batten down the hatches, boys, a storm’s coming through!

Yep, Tropical Storm Irene has finally wallowed her way up here to New England. Yay. She’s supposed to blow through by tonight – I can’t wait. My head can’t wait. *sigh* But I’ve been inactive pretty much all weekend, and although my head still hurts, I’m BORED. So today, I’m going to do what I …

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