(advent/writing) The times they are a-changing…

The leaves are starting to change again. Normally, I hate the shorter days and longer nights, the cold of the mornings, the dying of the year. But I’m actually not hating it this year. While I’m not looking forward to the holidays as much as I used to, I’m still working on getting both a new Advent story out on this blog, as well as finally getting Winter’s Storms, the second Carter’s Cove book out. This year’s Advent takes us out of Carter’s Cove, at the moment, although that may change. The outline is fighting me, and I’m not sure why. But I do know that I need to get it done, so I might just start writing it and see how it goes.


I’ve finished my first short story in a while, titled “Requiem for an Unknown,” which is out to beta readers at the moment and then will be shopped around. I’m looking at getting some short stories into professional markets, so I can join SFWA. That’s the next career goal.


I’ve also restarted my 100 Days of Words. My 100 Days of A&S sputtered and died again, but this one I have a writing buddy that I am accountable for, and we have agreed to text each other each day. 100 words a day is something I can do.


So stay tuned. There will be more stuff coming soon, both to here and the Patreon.

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