(sca/writing/inspiration) It’s not all just sitting and typing….

I’ve been writing again, which is cool, but I’ve been doing other things as well, and I think that’s WHY I’ve been able to write again. I get so wrapped up in “I am a writer and writers need to write and dear gods, why am I not writing, I should be writing!” Then I feel like the woman in that Little Caesar’s commercial who feels the need to sit down. And then I can’t seem to get out of my own way. It’s a vicious cycle.


In one of the SCA groups on Facebook that I’m in, there was a challenge going around – 100 Days of Arts & Sciences. Basically, the point was to do at least 10 minutes a day of some sort of art or science practice. So for the last 60 days, I’ve been trying to do this. Today is Day 60, and in that time period, I’ve finished seven crocheted pouches for the Birka largesse baskets, I’ve knit two pouches for Gold Key that I need to finish, I finished up an overdress that needs to be taken in, and I’ve done about 3 feet of a kumihimo cord in my heraldic colors (black, red, and white) for tokens. It’s been a soothing two months, and I’m enjoying it.

And I think, in my quietness, that it’s been refilling my writing well. I’m also realizing that it’s okay to walk away from an idea at the moment, if it’s not working. I want to write Resonant Frequencies, but it’s not the right time to write it now. I don’t have the fully-formed idea, just a kernel, and it needs to lie fallow for a bit. The same is true for the Advent story for last year.

So I’m writing something completely new. Space opera. Pirates. Quantum physics. Galleons that sail on the Cosmic Web. And magic. I’m rather enjoying it.



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