So the secret project that had consumed all of my free time is finally given – my amazing friend Karrah was elevated to the Order of the Pelican in the SCA on Labor Day weekend, and I’d volunteered to embroider the two medallions on the front of her Pelican coat. I decided to do them based on her three kitties. The one above is her boy kitty, and this picture is her two little girls.

They’re about a foot tall each, and it took me a lot longer than I thought it would, but seeing her face when she was presented with the coat was completely worth it. But that’s why I haven’t been around.
So today, I wrote! I sat down at Gibson’s and used The Busy Writer’s One Hour Plot by Marg McAlister to actually figure out the plot for Belladonna Dreams. It had been giving me such headaches, because I couldn’t figure out what the overall story plot WAS. WHAT was I trying to do? I had such a cool location (an abandoned mental asylum) and a really neat world idea (ghosts are real and the main character can move between the ghost plane and our plane), but no PLOT.
I now have a plot. I have a full book idea, and I’ve got enough to start writing the rough draft. I’m not trying to write every day, because I’ve got other things I’m doing as well, so Sundays are now my writing days. I’ll keep you all updated.
Oh, and btw? I’m working on several ideas. One of them involves a certain feline, a kitchen witch, and an upcoming season.