Blog Archives

Radio silence wasn’t intentional

Sorry, folks, last weekend got away from me, and this week I was in the office for the DayJob(tm), so I let things go a bit. But here’s a bit of an update, just so I don’t break my schedule too much: So yeah, it’s a bit boring, but I’m working on it. Next weekend …

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Updates and other things

I know, it’s been a while. I’m actually coming out of a pretty dark time, but I’m working with a therapist and on medication and have been diagnosed with ADHD (I know, finally, right??), so the future is looking – well, it’s brighter than it’s been in a while, even if it’s still pretty dim. …

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No independence today

I’m feeling evil right now, because as a uterus owner in America, this is NOT my Independence Day (fuck you, Supreme Court, and the right wing). So instead of “celebrating,” I’m writing ghost stories and enjoying iced tea at a lovely coffee/tea shop in my hometown (shoutout to Brothers’ Cortado!). I went up to Pittsburgh, …

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Weekly news round-up, the slightly late edition

So yeah, it’s been a few weeks. First I had an eye infection, complete with an ulcerated cornea, which meant absolutely no screen time. Then I went away to GNEW and was busy taking down my pavilion and driving home, so there was no posting. I meant to do it Monday, but I woke up …

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Life reboot: 2.0.

Life has been weird lately, and I’m not sure why. Of course, I just got home from Balticon, and I’m sick (again – I swear Maryland is trying to kill me), so that might be part of it. I’m still glad I went -I spent a lot of time going to panels on the business …

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(writing/poetry/stuff) All the things swirling in my head, like blood in fog

I’m writing again. I’m also starting to venture slowly into poetry, which is weird, because I never thought of myself as a poet. But Amber introduced me to Rupi Kuhr, and I am in love with words again. She is amazing and wonderful and I highly recommend her to all people. Even if you think …

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Whole30 and food news

  I did a Whole30 in January and February of this year, and it pretty much changed my life. So much so that since then, I’ve listened to the audiobooks at least twice each (no, seriously, I have both It Starts with Food and Food Freedom Forever! on my Audible and I’ve listened to both recently, …

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(Navel-gazing) The trials and tribulations of being an adult

  Cats are the ultimate Zen masters, and I can only hope that one day, I get to come back as one. Preferably one as spoiled as Mr. Bear, above, who snoozes most of the day and has us to wait on him hand and foot. But honestly, cats have it made.   I recently …

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(personal/writing/food/health) Yes, I can eat salads – in short, a month on Whole30 with Crohns

On January 4, 2018, I started my second attempt at a Whole30. I had made it 9 days in September before my guts rebelled, but I was determined this time (and better prepared, to be honest), and I completed the 30 day reset on February 2, 2018. I’m in the re-introduction phase now, to see …

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(personal/writing) Long days and not giving up

It’s the beginning of the year, and in my day job, I answer questions about 401ks, pensions, health savings accounts, and health and insurance benefits. So needless to say, I’m working long hours, because Annual Enrollment just ended, and tax season just started. Yay, OT! Boo, long hours!   I’ve also started my Whole30 (I’m on …

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