So yeah, it’s been a few weeks. First I had an eye infection, complete with an ulcerated cornea, which meant absolutely no screen time. Then I went away to GNEW and was busy taking down my pavilion and driving home, so there was no posting. I meant to do it Monday, but I woke up …
Blog Archives
Weekly news roundup – The Remicade week in review
This week was a bit of this and that, but this seems to be a good headline for this post for the nonce. My week got thrown for a bit of a loop because I needed to do some hard things this week, but I did them, and I’m very proud of myself for …
(book review) The Perils of Prague
Recently, I finished The Perils of Prague, by Doc Coleman, and I thought, what better way to kick off my intermittent book reviews (as in, when I finish a book and feel like reviewing it) than by sharing this with you! Disclaimer: Doc is a friend of mine, and I received an e-copy of this book …
Life reboot: 2.0.
Life has been weird lately, and I’m not sure why. Of course, I just got home from Balticon, and I’m sick (again – I swear Maryland is trying to kill me), so that might be part of it. I’m still glad I went -I spent a lot of time going to panels on the business …
(book review) The Street, by Paul E. Cooley
I promised some book reviews, so here’s the first! This is an amazing book. It is a horrifying, twisted, sick, wonderful book. I really really really enjoyed this. The Street, by Paul E. Cooley, (available here with his other amazing books) explores what happens to Sesame Street, the Muppet Show and Jim Henson’s …
(writing) Thoughts on writing, process, and language
I threatened a rant last week about chat-speak (I loathe it, for the short version of the rant), but as I didn’t have time to write it out when I was annoyed (probably a good thing, come to think of it), it mellowed and got intertwined with some other things. Namely, this. I …
(personal/writing) Blowing off the winter dust
You know, it’s been a LONG winter. Maybe not GRRM long, but longer than I wanted. Much longer than I wanted. But it’s finally warm out. The snow is gone and there is music in the morning when I go out. I’m still adjusting to my work schedule, but it’s getting easier. I’m not …
(reviews) The 33 by JC Hutchins
JC Hutchins has done it again. The creative genius behind 7th Son and Dark Arts has come out with a new project: The 33. It’s an episodic storyline, sort of like a TV season, but in words. My favorite kind of serial. The concept is simple and yet immense: 33 people, with special skills, who …
(book review) Baltimore Blues by Laura Lippman
No, it’s not my reaction to last night’s Red Sox – Orioles game (although boo to Baltimore! How do you keep winning against us???) Baltimore Blues is the first book in the Tess Monaghan Mysteries series by Laura Lippman, and I am very, very thankful that my mother introduced me to this unlikely …