Blog Archives

Radio silence wasn’t intentional

Sorry, folks, last weekend got away from me, and this week I was in the office for the DayJob(tm), so I let things go a bit. But here’s a bit of an update, just so I don’t break my schedule too much: So yeah, it’s a bit boring, but I’m working on it. Next weekend …

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Updates and other things

I know, it’s been a while. I’m actually coming out of a pretty dark time, but I’m working with a therapist and on medication and have been diagnosed with ADHD (I know, finally, right??), so the future is looking – well, it’s brighter than it’s been in a while, even if it’s still pretty dim. …

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No independence today

I’m feeling evil right now, because as a uterus owner in America, this is NOT my Independence Day (fuck you, Supreme Court, and the right wing). So instead of “celebrating,” I’m writing ghost stories and enjoying iced tea at a lovely coffee/tea shop in my hometown (shoutout to Brothers’ Cortado!). I went up to Pittsburgh, …

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Updates and other things

If the world was fair, and Covid-19 didn’t exist, I would be on my way to investigate this lovely piece of haunted history tonight with some excellent friends. However, due to my roommate being diagnosed positive last week, and me being sick as well, I am not. I hope Spence, Tee, Phil, and Jhada have …

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(personal/writing/updates) The Weekly World Review, 2 weeks version

Sorry that this is late, but I’m getting over an eye infection AND an eye ulcer (in the same eye), so last week my computer use was limited. I even had to take 2 days off of work, which sucked. Oh well. The eye is healing nicely, and it doesn’t hurt to look at anything …

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Weekly news roundup – The Remicade week in review

This week was a bit of this and that, but this seems to be a good headline for this post for the nonce.   My week got thrown for a bit of a loop because I needed to do some hard things this week, but I did them, and I’m very proud of myself for …

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Weekly news roundup – the Father’s Day edition

Okay, so it’s a day late, but hey, I spent Father’s Day with the best of dads, mine. We went and saw Solo, which was super fun and I highly recommend (as one of my friends said, Oscar-worthy it wasn’t, but it was a good Star Wars movie). So I didn’t get to post this …

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(personal/writing/advent) Deep thoughts

Two posts in one week. Wow, I might actually be getting into a groove or something.   I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about writing lately. And streaks. And self-care. Shocking, I know, but bear with me, because it all ties in together. I’m still picking at the Advent story, but I’m paused as …

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Day 1, again

Day: 1 #100daysofwords Starting Count: 2989 Ending Count: 3380 New Words: 391 Opening Line: Sapph filled him in quickly. “So if we take her words at face value, there’s no reason for this place to be haunted,” she finished. “But I can feel the Ghostwind here, a lot stronger than if there were no ghosts.” …

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(writing/personal) Updates of all kinds

 Today is a writing day, and that’s a good thing. I need to get back to a routine before I go back to work in a month, and I need to get this book done. I’ve also done a few housekeeping things that I wanted to let people know about.   I’m deleting my LiveJournal …

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