Blog Archives

Radio silence wasn’t intentional

Sorry, folks, last weekend got away from me, and this week I was in the office for the DayJob(tm), so I let things go a bit. But here’s a bit of an update, just so I don’t break my schedule too much: So yeah, it’s a bit boring, but I’m working on it. Next weekend …

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Updates and other things

I know, it’s been a while. I’m actually coming out of a pretty dark time, but I’m working with a therapist and on medication and have been diagnosed with ADHD (I know, finally, right??), so the future is looking – well, it’s brighter than it’s been in a while, even if it’s still pretty dim. …

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No independence today

I’m feeling evil right now, because as a uterus owner in America, this is NOT my Independence Day (fuck you, Supreme Court, and the right wing). So instead of “celebrating,” I’m writing ghost stories and enjoying iced tea at a lovely coffee/tea shop in my hometown (shoutout to Brothers’ Cortado!). I went up to Pittsburgh, …

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Updates and other things

If the world was fair, and Covid-19 didn’t exist, I would be on my way to investigate this lovely piece of haunted history tonight with some excellent friends. However, due to my roommate being diagnosed positive last week, and me being sick as well, I am not. I hope Spence, Tee, Phil, and Jhada have …

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(writing) Depression, demons, and morning pages

I’ve started my morning pages again, because I’m feeling the need to write in the morning, but my brain isn’t really speaking to me except in nasty tones, so I figure if it has the chance to spew itself out in my journal before I have to see people, I can actually function. This is …

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(writing/personal) The cycle of grief isn’t linear

There are a lot of books about how grief works, and they all talk about there are different stages and you progress through them. And maybe some people do actually progress through them. I don’t.   In two weeks, it will be one year since we found Brian in the bathroom. I’ve gone through all …

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(personal/writing) Long days and not giving up

It’s the beginning of the year, and in my day job, I answer questions about 401ks, pensions, health savings accounts, and health and insurance benefits. So needless to say, I’m working long hours, because Annual Enrollment just ended, and tax season just started. Yay, OT! Boo, long hours!   I’ve also started my Whole30 (I’m on …

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(personal/writing/advent) 2018 – my first full year alone

I swear this year is going to be better. I won’t let it be the same way it was last year. I won’t.   But things are going to have to change. I’m realizing how hard it is to do things on my own – not just in terms of emotionally (because it IS hard, …

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(writing) More Advent, of course

It’s getting to be that time of year again, after all. Yes, there WILL be a Carter’s Cove story this year. But I’m doing other things as well. I’ve just sent out a short story to a magazine for consideration, and I will be doing more short stories in the future. It’s an interesting exercise, …

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(writing/personal) Sunday updates

Today is the first day of October. This year has seemed to fly by, and yet it’s been the longest year of my life. I’m told that grief is like that.   Today is also the 10th day in a row that I’ve written on Advent. I’ve got an accountability buddy, and it’s really working. …

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