I swear this year is going to be better. I won’t let it be the same way it was last year. I won’t. But things are going to have to change. I’m realizing how hard it is to do things on my own – not just in terms of emotionally (because it IS hard, …
Blog Archives
A little bit of a cleanup…
Posted on October 6, 2013
Some people do spring cleaning. Apparently I do fall cleaning, at least for the website. Yes, I’ve updated it! And I’ve gotten MOST of the books/short fiction on there (I know I have more to add, but I’ve been staring at this screen for almost 6 hours, and I’m going cross-eyed). So take a …
(writing/to-do/health) Thoughts on the eve of a long weekend
Posted on May 22, 2013
So, I’ve been back to work on the Day Job for three half-days. Today, I’m exhausted (although I don’t know if it’s because of the two hours at the dentist today to repair a broken tooth or just low stamina), but I have the next FIVE days off, so I’ll be able to sleep in, …