Good thing that it’s only electronic dust, because lord, there is a lot of it! I have been dealing with depression, family illness, and stress, so I haven’t been writing. Or blogging. Or really doing anything, to be honest. And I don’t know that the stress is going away soon, so I’m trying to pick up the threads as I can.
We got Molly and Drew safely married, and the stage is beginning to be set for the next Advent story that will be posted in December. Winter Secrets, the first Advent book, is off to the editor, so I have to make a decision of how I’m going to do that. I know folks want actual books, but that might have to wait until I can sell some other books (ahem). Self-publishing is expensive. But I’m still hoping to do it! It will at the very least be available as an ebook this Christmas.
I’m also working on two other books right now: Deep Waters, the first Sapphire Pendragon novel (yeah, I know, it was supposed to be a novella, but it decided against that); and Resonant Frequencies, which is an urban fantasy that isn’t about saving the world. Which is odd, but there you go. It’s about elves, artists, and the need we all have to be connected to someone.
I’m also now blogging for Dark Knight Paranormal, the NH affiliate of TAPS (The Atlantic Paranormal Society), so you can find me there Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I’m hoping that between there and here, I actually start getting a presence out.
I’m also going to be honest – I could use the support now. For the folks who want to know how they can help: buy my books (especially the ones I have on Amazon). Promote my books. And for the sake of all the gods, remind me to write! 🙂
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