(personal/to-do) Domestic Goddess Sunday

Ah, autumn. Where the days get shorter, the nights get colder, the apples are crisp and Val, sadly, starts to get a bit cranky, because while fall is beautiful, she hates winter and knows it’s just around the corner. It gets harder to get up in the morning, and the cats don’t help, because despite their fur coats, apparently they get colder than I do (who knew???) and so they snuggle in with me in the mornings and whisper, “Don’t get up, Mom.”

I’m trying something new this fall – making certain everything I have to do the next day is laid out, so I can lay in bed a bit longer. I’m hoping that I can deal with the change in seasons by getting more active, not less, and although I know it’s going to be hard, I’m determined to make a change.

Took me a while to get moving today – there was a headache brewing, and I needed to sleep a bit more. Sleep has been odd lately – not quite sure if it’s not enough, too much or too light, if you know what I mean. I’m going to make sure to take my vitamins and hope that helps. But I made my to-do list yesterday evening before bed, and I’ve already started.

I REALLY want to get to the gym to at least swim, and I’m blocking it into my schedule for today. I WILL make it two times this week. I made it Wednesday – I can do it today.

To-Do for A Sunday of Domestic Goddessness:
– 4 pm – hit gym
– Meal plan for the week
– Grocery Shopping (after gym)

– Laundry
– Dishes
– Put away CSA
– Clean car out
– Drop off library books
– Vacuum downstairs
– Bake banana bread
– Finalize Rebirth and record

Laundry is started – already got one load folded and put away. About to start on the second. I WILL be at the gym at 4 pm. I WILL.

More updates as I get stuff done.

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