Blog Archives

(goals/recap) In with the new, out with the old

2012 is here.  2011 has left.  While it wasn’t as bad a year for me as it was for some of my friends, I’m not sorry to see it go.  It’s a new year, and that means a chance to look at what I’ve done in the past year, and what will be happening in …

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(metrics) Take 2, start of novella

Starting Count: 0 Ending Count: 637 New Words: 637 Opening Line: How did I get myself into these situations? Ending Line: We ended up in the middle of the road, sideways, like a cop car doing a roadblock. Darling: Andrew, with his lopsided smile and short dark curls, longer than his father the head of …

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(metrics) Ghostly words on a brilliant day

Starting Count: 320 Ending Count: 862 Net Gain: + 542 Current Word MTD count: 542 Starting line: “You ask me this after you give me a blanket?” I grumbled, but I knew he was right. If our eyes weren’t playing tricks on us, then something was out there, and I needed to find out what. …

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