(health/personal/writing) One week in!

Today is Day 7 of  going completely gluten-free and mostly sugar-free.  It’s been an interesting journey.  Weighed in this morning at 277.8 lbs, so up a little, but that’s okay.


It’s been hard, I won’t lie.  Drank Coke on Saturday, had sushi with non-GF soy sauce on Tuesday, and an ice cream cone on Sunday.  But all in all, I’ve made it through successfully, and I am feeling better (despite a headache this morning, which might actually be allergies).  My brain isn’t foggy, and my joints don’t hurt.  I’m looking forward to maybe getting off some of the meds that I’m currently on.


Speaking of meds, I’m down to 15 mgs of Prednisone as of yesterday!  Very excited about this.  And despite yesterday (which was a terrible day, I was sick for most of it), I’m feeling pretty good.


Pendragon continues to grow – I’ve just thrown a twist in that I didn’t realize I needed (yes, even outliners have twists show up on us) and I have to figure out what that means for the story.  I”m also looking at new projects for when this draft is done, as Midsummerland is not cooperating.  I like the story – it just doesn’t want to write, and I’m not sure why.  So it sits on the shelf, and I think I’m doing more of a fantasy next time.  What I’m trying to decide is do I want to jump into another series (I have an idea for a quartet of books) or do a one-shot (I’ve got a couple of ideas that could be only one book).  I’m also debating how much research I want to do, as one is a steampunk Venice setting, one is setting up to be Asian-flavored, and one might be Italian Renaissance.  Because I don’t do anything EASY, you know.


Okay, time to get moving on my to-do list for the day.  My tummy is grumbling, which means it’s time for breakfast.  I think today would be a good day to try those banana fritters I pinned to Pintrest a bit ago.

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